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'''Flora''' are trees that will grow in size over the years.  If you would like to see neighborhoods mature over the years, you might prefer to use these instead of normal flora props.  Flora that grows can be added to any lot. The flora types are organized by plant type and when viewed in game over time they will grow.
'''Flora''' are trees that will grow in size over the years.  If you would like to see neighborhoods mature over the years, you might prefer to use these instead of normal flora props.  Flora that grows can be added to any lot. The flora types are organized by plant type and when viewed in game over time they will grow.

Revision as of 08:24, 17 September 2008

Flora are trees that will grow in size over the years. If you would like to see neighborhoods mature over the years, you might prefer to use these instead of normal flora props. Flora that grows can be added to any lot. The flora types are organized by plant type and when viewed in game over time they will grow.