Revision as of 03:19, 9 December 2011 by sc4e>Jdenm8
In Simcity 4, there are exactly 20 ordinances which you can enact and 19 have an effect on your city. All ordinances are predefined in the game's executable, existing ordinances can be replaced or modified to a certain degree, but new ordinances cannot be added due to this limitation.
Ordinances have their own Type and Group IDs, 6534284A and A9C2C209 respectively. Every language has a seperate name for each ordinance, the ones in the table below are from the UKEnglsh version of Simcity 4 and listed in alhpabetical order of their Exemplar Names, as listed in SimCity1.dat.
City eligibility for ordinances is re-evaluated every month.
No ordinances are available when starting a new city, but the following 16 which do not have a prerequsite building become available after one month:
- Car Smogging
- Carpool Incentive
- Clean Air
- CPR Training
- Free Clinics
- Gambling
- Nuclear Free Zone
- Paper Reduction
- Power Conservation
- Pro-reading campaign
- Shuttle Service
- Smoke Detectors
- Tire Recycling
- Tourist Promotion
- Water Conservation
- Youth Curfew
The remaining four ordinances all require certain buildings to be built first:
- Junior Sports (Park)
- Landfill Gas Recovery (Landfill + Gas Power Plant)
- Neighborhood Watch (Police Station)
- Trash Presorting (Recycling Center)
Benefits, detriments and costs
This table contains all of the ordinances in the game defined by Maxis and their effects.
Travel Strategy Values are As Follows: Mass Transit/Car/Fastest
Mayor Rating alterations are not in percent, as the Mayor Rating is defined as a number from 1 to 255, and subtract from that number. For example, "Decreased by 5" means the Mayor Rating is decreased by exactly 5, not 5%.
Exemplar Name
In-Game Name
Car Smogging
Automobile Emission Reduction Act
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§20 + §0.005 per person
Air Pollution
Decreased by 10%
Mayor Rating
Decreased by 5
The way Maxis orignally defined this ordinance, it has no effect on vehicle pollution, instead effecting general pollution, such as that from Factories. The NAM includes a repaired version of this Ordinance which does lower vehicle pollution (Decreased by 40%)
Carpool Incentive
Carpool Incentive Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.010 per person
This ordinance is incomplete and has no effect. This literally does no function except cost you money.
Clean Air
Clean Air Act
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per person
Air Pollution
Dirty Industry Demand
Decreased by 33%
CPR Training
Community CPR Training Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per person
Health Quotient
Increased by 10%
Free Clinics
Free Clinic Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per §1 in Health Department Funding
Health Quotient
Increased by 10%
Legalise Gambling
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Income
Increased By 20%
Junior Sports
Junior Sports Programs
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per §1 in Parks Funding
Decreased by 5%
Landfill Gas Recovery
Landfill Gas Recovery Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§20 + §0.001 per person
Air Pollution
Decreased by 3%
Gas Power Plant
Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per person
Decreased by 5%
Police Station
Nuclear Free Zone
Nuclear Free Zone
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.002 per person
Agricultral Demand
Increased by 0.33%
High-Tech Industry Demand
Decreased by 17%
Mayor Rating
Increased by 5
Nuclear Plants of any kind after enactment
Paper Reduction
Paper Waste Reduction Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§20 + §0.005 per person
§§ Commercial Demand
Decreased by 0.33%
§§§ Commercial Demand
Decreased by 0.17%
Garbage Output
Decreased by 10%
Power Conservation
Power Conservation Act
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§0 + §0.005 per person
Dirty Industry Demand
Decreased by 0.50%
Manufacturing Demand
Decreased by 0.50%
High-Tech Industry Demand
Decreased by 0.50%
Power Demand
Decreased by 10%
Pro-reading Campaign
Pro-Reading Campaign
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§20 + §0.005 per §1 in Library Funding
School Effect
Increased by 10%
Shuttle Service
Commuter Shuttle Service
Smoke Detectors
Smoke Detector Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§0 + §0.001 per person
Decreased by 5%
Tyre Recycling
Tyre Recycling Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§20 + §0.001 per person
Garbage Output
Decreased by 3%
Tourist Promotion
Tourist Promotion Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per §1 in Landmark Funding
§ Commercial Demand
Increased by 0.33%
§§ Commercial Demand
Increased by 0.33%
§§§ Commercial Demand
Increased by 0.33%
Trash Presorting
Trash Presort Requirement
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per §1 in Recycling Funding
Garbage Output
Decreased by 3%
Recycling Center
Water Conservation
Water Conservation Program
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§50 + §0.005 per person
Agricultral Demand
Decreased by 0.83%
Dirty Industry Demand
Decreased by 0.50%
Manufacturing Demand
Decreased by 0.33%
High-Tech Industry Demand
Decreased by 0.17%
Water Use
Decreased by 10%
Youth Curfew
Youth Curfew Act
Enactment Cost
Retractment Cost
Monthly Cost
§40 + §0.002 per person
Mayor Rating
Decreased by 10
Decreased by 5%
Unused Elements
There are two unused Elements in the Ordinance files. They and their specified values are:
- Year Available (0 for all, except 1970 for Power Conservation)
- Monthly Chance (0.005 for all ordinances)