Revision as of 08:07, 29 August 2008 by sc4e>CasperVg
It is the tale of a modern country situated on the Atlantica-Alba landmass, a mid-sized landmass found around 150 miles off the western coast of Portugal. It conforms to the mid-atlantic ridge, and does not disrupt the gulf stream flow to the United Kingdom, hence making A.A both plausible and possible.Calderwood is a country that occupies the central belt of the landmass. It was colonised by Celts believed to have originated from Scotland and or Wales, and therefore much of it's culture resembles that of these countries. The climate is relatively poor, despite it's latitude. The Trossich mountain range blocks much of the warmer air currents from Africa, making Calderwood a damp and usually cool place to be, exposed to the mercy of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Please move this description to the main article instead of the template. Thanks!