Common Network IIDs

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Here is a list of common Network Tiles IIDs.

Maxis Networks

Note; The RHW-2 is in the Maxis Networks as it is a proper Network not an override.


Straight 0x05004b00
End Stub 0x05000300
Corner 0x05000f00
T Section 0x05005700
+ Section 0x05020700


Straight 0x00004b00
End Stub 0x00000300
Diagonal 0x00000a00
Corner 0x00000f00
T Section 0x00005700
+ Section 0x00020700

One Way Road

Straight 0x09004b00
End Stub 0x09000300
Diagonal 0x00000a00
Corner 0x09000f00
T Section 0x09005700
+ Section 0x09020700


Straight 0x04006100
End Stub 0x04007300


Straight 0x5e004b00
End Stub 0x5e000300
Diagonal 0x5e000a00
Corner 0x5e000f00
T Section 0x5e005700
+ Section 0x5e020700

Ground Highway

Straight 0x0a001500
End Stub 0x0a004600
Diagonal (Outer) 0x0a002200
Diagonal (Shared) 0x0a002100


Straight 0x02001500
End Stub 0x02004600
Diagonal (Outer) 0x02002200
Diagonal (Shared) 0x02002100

Heavy Rail

Straight 0x03031500
End Stub 0x03000500
Corner 0x03003d00
T Section 0x03034d00
+ Section 0x032e2d00

Elevated Light Rail

Straight 0x08031500
End Stub 0x08000500
Corner (Same as + section??, allowed with NAM)
T Section (Same as + section??, allowed with NAM)
+ Section 0x082e2d00


Straight 0x0d031500
End Stub 0x0d000500
+ Section 0x0d2e2d0

Override Networks

Note: These are all Override Networks included in the NAM and its various optional Plugins, like the RHW, SAM, etc.


Straight 0x5eb4b100
End Stub 0x5eb00100
Diagonal 1 0x5eb0a100
Diagonal 2 0x5eb1a100


Straight 0x5de4b100
End Stub 0x5de00100
Diagonal 1 0x5de0a100
Diagonal 2 0x5de1a100


Note: "N" refers to the number of the texture set involved.

Straight 0x5e54bN00
End Stub 0x5e500N00
Corner 0x5e590N00
T Section 0x5e557N00
+ Section 0x5e527N00