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Latest revision as of 19:54, 8 August 2019

LDAT or LD files are Lot Data files. They are sometimes packaged in with Lot files.


4 bytes - Header/Version/Identifier
4 bytes - Zone Compatibility
4 bytes - Wealth Level
4 bytes - Purpose
4 bytes - Group
4 bytes - Stage lot appears (contains values 1 - 8)
2 bytes - Type (0001 - new lot, 0000 - replaces old lot)
2 bytes - Lot width
2 bytes - Lot depth
2 bytes - Number of props in lot
4 bytes - Number of dependencies in lot
4 bytes - Length of Lot Name
N bytes - Lot Name (length is set in previous four bytes)

(Repeating chunk, repeats as many times as there are dependencies:)
4 Bytes - Length of dependency name
N Bytes - Dependency Name

Header Values

This value is always 1, as in Version 1.0.

Zone Compatibility Values

Note: the values given below are decimal equivalents. For example, 128 (Resource) shows in Reader as 0x00008000.

0     - Unknown
1     - Undefined
2     - Low Density
4     - Medium Density
8     - High Density
12    - Medium Density
14    - Low Density
16    - Low Density
32    - Medium Density
64    - High Density
96    - Medium Density
112   - Low Density
128   - Resource
256   - Light
512   - Heavy
768   - Light
896   - Light
1024  - Military
2048  - Airport
4096  - Seaport
8192  - Spaceport
16384 - Landfill
32768 - N/A
38912 - Plopped
64512 - Protected

Wealth Level Values

Note: the values given below are decimal equivalents.

0 - N/A
2 - $
4 - $$
8 - $$$

Purpose Values

Note: the values given below are decimal equivalents.

0   - Ploppable
2   - Residential
4   - Commercial Service
8   - Commercial Office
16  - Unused 
32  - Industrial Agriculture
64  - Industrial Processing
128 - Industrial Manufacturing
256 - Industrial High Tech

Group Values

Note: the values given below are decimal equivalents. For example, 5387 (Reward) shows in Reader as 0x0000150B.

4096 - Residential
4097 - Commercial
4098 - Industrial
4099 - Transportation
4100 - Utility
4101 - Civic
4102 - Park
4864 - Rail
4865 - Bus
4866 - Subway
5120 - Power
5121 - Water
5376 - Police
5377 - Jail
5378 - Fire
5379 - School
5380 - College
5381 - Library
5382 - Museum
5383 - Health
5384 - Airport
5385 - Seaport
5386 - Landmark
5387 - Reward

Type Values

0 - Modified
1 - Unique