Namdoc:Transit Stations

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NAM Documentation

A few dozen NAM approved Transit Stations are included as optional components of the NAM installer.

Many NAM stations service multiple types of network, so the broad categories of NAM stations relate to how they are built/used:

  1. Proximity-based stations, plopped adjacent to the networks they service. These are the easiest stations to use.
  2. Avenue overhanging stations, composed of a station piece and an "other side" piece, to link the mass transit network on both sides of the avenue.
  3. Orthogonal raised stations, designed to sit inside the orthogonal network it services, activated by drawing the network through the station.
  4. Diagonal raised stations, being a two tile plop with overhang, designed to sit inside a two-tile piece of the diagonal network, activated by drawing the network through the two tiles.
  5. Dual networking stations, replacing a section of street, road, or avenue, as found among the GLR and RTMT stations.

There are also families of stations that share a similar appearance or BAT style, based on the content creator.

  • BriPizza made the distinctive proximity-based stations with irregular overhanging lots.
  • RaphaelNinja created the shiny silver Ninja Boulevards.
  • Morifari's creations can be spotted by the distinctive orange benches, for the comfort of waiting commuters, and also includes the "Victorian" stations, too.
  • Xyloxadoria does the long gracefully arched (1x6) blue glass stations.
  • The "Modern" family of stations have a gray concrete, steel and glass structure, the only family of stations with both single-height (15m) and double-height (30m) buildings, which were all created by Xyloxadoria, but have quite a different look from the arched blue glass stations.
  • Brenda_Xne did the Modern GLR Station and Modern Monorail and Bullet Train Station, which look quite different from the Xyloxadoria's "Modern" family of stations.
Transit Station Families.jpg

Proximity-based stations

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Elevated Road Bus Stop and Subway Station (BriPizza)
  • BriPizza 15m Multi-Purpose Station with Parking
  • BriPizza 15m Multi-Purpose Arched Station
  • BriPizza Norikae Station
  • Ninja Boulevard Kiosk
  • Ninja Boulevard Station

Maxis proximity-based stations and their enhancement in the NAM

The Maxis Bus Stop must be plopped adjacent to a street, road, avenue, or highway. Highway bus stops must also have pedestrian access on one of the four sides, or else a No Road Access Zot will appear. The way the Bus Stop is facing makes no difference to how it works.

The Maxis Passenger Train Station must be plopped adjacent to a street, road, avenue, or highway on one side, and a rail line on any other side. Again, the orientation of this train station plop makes no difference, which is the essence of how proximity-based stations work. They just need to touch an adjacent tile of the networks they service.

Both Bus Stop and Passenger Train Station have had their capacities increased much higher in the NAM.

The Maxis Freight Train Station also has a higher capacity in the NAM, and provides transshipment from rail to road, in addition to the road to rail feature provided in original the Maxis version.

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Straight Tram Station
  • Diagonal Tram Station
  • Modern GLR Station

Avenue overhanging stations

In the Build Rails menu

  • Overhanging Viaduct Rail Station
  • Viaduct Rail (other side)
  • Overhanging Monorail Station
  • Monorail (other side)
  • Overhanging HSR Station
  • HSR Station (other side)

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Overhanging El Rail Station
  • El Rail (other side)
  • Overhanging Bus Rapid Transit Station
  • Bus Rapid Transit (other side)

Orthogonal ground stations

In the Build Rails menu

  • Modern Arched Rail Station (Xyloxadoria)
  • Ground High Speed Rail Station (Xyloxadoria)
  • HSRP Transit Hub

Maxis orthogonal ground stations and their enhancement in the NAM

In the Build Rails menu

  • Grand Railroad Station

Orthogonal raised stations

In the Build Rails menu

  • Victorian Viaduct Rail Station (orthogonal)
  • Viaduct Rail Station, Straight (Morifari)
  • Modern Viaduct Rail Station (Xyloxadoria)
  • Monorail Station, Straight (Morifari)
  • Modern Monorail and Bullet Train Station
  • Modern Double Height Monorail Station
  • Elevated High Speed Rail Station (Xyloxadoria)
  • High Speed Rail Station, Straight (Morifari)

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Elevated Rail Station, Straight (Victorian style)
  • Elevated Rail, Bus, and Subway Station
  • Elevated Rail Station, Straight (Morifari)
  • Modern Elevated Train Station
  • Modern Double Height El Rail Station

Maxis orthogonal raised stations

In the Build Rails menu

  • Monorail Station

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Elevated Rail Station

Diagonal raised stations

In the Build Rails menu

  • Modern Viaduct Rail Station
  • Victorian Viaduct Rail Station (diagonal)
  • Viaduct Rail Station, Diagonal (Morifari)
  • Modern Diagonal Monorail Station
  • Monorail Station, Diagonal (Morifari)
  • Diagonal High Speed Rail Station (modern)

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Modern Diagonal Elevated Rail Station
  • Elevated Rail Station, Diagonal (Victorian style)
  • Elevated Rail Station, Diagonal (Morifari)

Dual networking stations

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • Simple Tram Stop on Street
  • SFBT Tram Stop on Road 1x1
  • SFBT Tram Stop on Road 1x2
  • SFBT Tram Stop on Road 1x3
  • Diagonal Tram-Avenue Station
  • Straight Tram-Avenue Station
  • Overhanging El Rail over Road Station
  • El Rail over Road (other side)
  • Madison-Wells Station
  • Ashland Station
  • Morgan-Lake Elevated Rail Station


Maxis Subway

  • Subway Station

Transition lots

In the Miscellaneous Transportation menu

  • SFBT Subway-Tram Transition
  • Tram in Road to Subway/URail Transition
  • Tram in Ave to Subway/URail Transition
  • Subway to Underground Rail Connector - In "Road", "T-Road" and "Ped Mall" flavours.

Maxis transitions

  • Subway-to-Elevated Transition