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LUA is an imperative programming language, designed in 1993 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes, members of the Computer Graphics Technology Group (Tecgraf) at PUC-Rio, the Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. "Lua" means "Moon" in Portuguese. Lua is used in SimCity 4 for the generation of help texts, creation of rewards, defining U-Drive-It missions, and other types of codes.
More information about Lua can be found on the official site and on Wikipedia.
Use in SimCity 4
Lua has many uses in SimCity 4, as mentioned above. The exact format used can vary depending on the use. The formats below are courtesy of Karybdis.
Instance by: CRC24Polynomial = 0x01864cfb, CRC24Seed = 0x00b704ce, return (CRC24(from, false) | 0xFF000000)
The types of LUA files are:
- Advice LUA's
- Advisor Definitions Script
- LUA Definitions
- Mission LUA Files
- LUAObject
- System LUA Files
- Tutorial Scripts
Binary LUA
The following format is for binary Lua scripts, and was developed by Quaxi.
Here are the first things known about the .objLua and .globalObjLua:
General Format
DWord: 1b 4c 75 61 (ID) Byte: Version 16-Bytes: Header ---> Root "Function Block"
Function Block
Dword: Character count n n-Byte: Name of the Function (null terminated) 5-Byte: unknown Byte: argument Count Byte: unknown Byte: stack Size 12-Byte: 00 4-Byte: constant counter ---> Loop Constant Block 4-Byte: functions counter ---> Loop Function Block 4-Byte: instruction counter ---> Loop Instruction Block
Instruction Block
(a=Operand a, b=Operand b, c=Operand c, o=Opcode):
Dword: aaaa aaaa bbbb bbbb bccc cccc ccoo oooo
This Document lists the available opcodes:
Constant Block
Byte: ConstantType ----> Constant Data
List of Known Constant Data Types
0x00 = Empty, Null - This seems to mark an empty block 0x03 = Number DWord: Unknown DWord: Unknown 0x04 = Strings DWord: Length n of the following PString n-Bytes: Instruction Name, null-terminated