
From SC4D Encyclopaedia
Revision as of 09:50, 13 September 2008 by sc4e>Krio (→‎Notable work: made a list)
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Krio is a Finnish BATter, most notably known for his diagonal bats and founding Team Grater. He has been active member in the community since 2006, first started "regular" chatter and City Journalist at Simtropolis. His first CJ was Qaddro, then he made Valtio, CJ which made fun of other CJers. During summer 2007 he started to BAT, first making Finnish wall-to-wall buildings, then he moved to make diagonals after models provided by prepo.

2007 Krio released 11 diffrent bats, which were withdrawn from STEX after disagreements which caused big mouthed Finn to be banned from Simtropolis. Krio was briefly member of BLaM before his ban.

After Krio was banned from ST, he continued making bats and stayed active on SC4D until he was banned because he did say his straight opinions, again. During his time at SC4D, he found Team Grater with Pat Riot. He had released 44 different BATs on the BSC LEX, but they were withdrawn in summer 2008 after fight involving Pegasus and BSC. Now days Krio remains active and cheerful in SimPeg and SimCityPolska and has made over 80 bats during his batting career. Maintains TG Columbia while leading the team and batting.

Notable work

  • Helsinki City Hall
  • Sokos Hakaniemi Department Store
  • Diagonal Metro stations
  • Krio Diagonal Tower pack
  • over 40 diagonal W2W bats


Team Affiliatons


Most unwanted person in the community, been banned from ST, SC4D, SimCities and TPP His avatar (pictured) is one of the most well known avatars in the community and has been "locked" from other people at ST.
