Ordinance Subfiles
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This page pertains to the format of the Ordinances file within Savegame files.
More information about the game's Ordinances can be found in the Ordinance article.
This specification covers the format of all ordinance files within SimCity 4 Savegame files. The relevant Type IDs are as follows: 00D0723D, 02BF1DFA, 22F6E80C, 22F6E81B, 40D07236, 42BF1E18, 62BF1DAA, 62BF1DB9, 62F6E7CF, 815B4CEF, 82B9999B, A0D07129, A2BF1DDC, A2BF1DE5, A2BF1E43, C2BF1DC5, C2BF1E04, C2F6E81F, E0D0722E, E0D07233.
Dword - File size Dword - CRC checksum Dword - Memory address Word - Version, always 4. Byte - Initialized (Tracks if the ordinance class initialization method has been called). Dword - Type ID of file/Ordinance ID. Dword - Length of Ordinance Name. String - Ordinance Name. Dword - Length of Ordinance Description. String - Ordinance Description. Dword - Year available. Dword - Prior to City Incorporation, this is Monthly Chance. After incorporation, it changes. Qword - Enactment Income. Qword - Retractment Income. Qword - Monthly Constant Income/Expense. Float32 - Monthly Income factor. Dword - Advisor ID (unused, always 0) Byte - Available to Enact (In other words, is it actually showing up in the Ordinance screen or not). Byte - Ordinance On/Off (That is, whether the Ordinance has actually been enacted or not by the user). Byte - Enabled (Can the ordinance show up in the menu or be turned on). Byte/QWord - Dual purpose: For Byte - City nonincorporated it's always 01. For QWord - Current Monthly Income/Expense. Once a city becomes incorporated it becomes a Qword for Monthly Income/Expense. Byte - Ordinance Category; Income/Expense. Ordinance Property Data: Word - Exemplar Property Data Version (always 2). Word - Generic Property Data Version (always 2). Dword - Generic Property Count (always 0). Dword - Group ID of Ordinance Exemplar. Dword - Type ID of Ordinance Exemplar. Dword - Instance ID of Ordinance Exemplar and/or Ordinance ID. (Seems to also be the same as the Type ID of the ordinance file in the savegame).