Region View Subfiles

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This page pertains to the format of the Region View file within Savegame files. The TGI for this file is 0xCA027EDB, 0xCA027EE1, 0x00000000.

The Region View file has three possible versions:

  • v1.9 - Pre-release
  • v1.10 - Release version
  • v1.13 - Rush Hour


The Region View file has the following specification, written out for version 1.13 type files.

WORD    Version Major
WORD    Version Minor
DWORD   Tile X Location
DWORD   Tile Y Location
DWORD   City Size X
DWORD   City Size Y
DWORD   Residential Population
DWORD   Commercial Population
DWORD   Industrial Population
FLOAT   Unknown1 (Not Present in version 1.9 or earlier)
BYTE    Mayor Rating (Bars/12 bars max) (not in version 1.10 or earlier)
BYTE    Star Count (As seen when looking at a city in region view) (0=1,1=2,2=3)
BYTE    Tutorial Flag (If 1, map is a tutorial)
DWORD   City GUID (Present in Mayor View also at offset 20)
                (Getting Started tutorial has "EXIT".. inside joke?)
DWORD   Unknown5 (Only seen 0's)
DWORD   Unknown6 (Only seen 0's)
DWORD   Unknown7 (Only seen 0's)
DWORD   Unknown8 (Only seen 0's)
DWORD   Unknown9 (Only seen 0's)
BYTE    Mode Flag (1 = Mayor Mode, 0 = God Mode)        
DWORD   City Name Length
PRIOR   City Name (String)
DWORD   Former Name Length
PRIOR   City Former Name (Non-existent in Region View, Mayor View has "New City")
DWORD   Mayor Name Length
PRIOR   Mayor Name (String)
DWORD   Internal Description Length (Only differs in Mayor View for tutorials)
PRIOR   Internal Description (String - non-existent in region, name of city/tut in mayor view)
DWORD   Length
PRIOR   "Jonas Sparks" (Default mayor?)(Unused)

-More Zeroes-
DWORD   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown  (Should be 0xFFFFFFFF)

(Occupant Group Information)
(There are three sets in all, item listing below.)

DWORD Occupant Group 1 count (Current Info)
    DWORD Occupant Group
    DWORD Population

DWORD Occupant Group 2 count (Max Info)
    DWORD Occupant Group
    DWORD Population

DWORD Occupant Group 3 count (Limits)
    DWORD Occupant Group
    DWORD Population

DWORD Count (Always 12)
    FLOAT Unknown  (Values are normally the same. Half integer range between 7 and 9.5)

DWORD Neighbor Connection Count

LOOP  Neighbor Connection Count
    Begin Neighbor Connection Data

    WORD  Version
    DWORD Network Type
    DWORD Connection X
    DWORD Connection Y
    DWORD Destination Tile X  (FFFF (-1) for places off the region top and left)
    DWORD Destination Tile Y  (Same as above)
    WORD  Unknown             (Usually 512)
    BYTE  Unknown

    DWORD Exemplar property count   (If this is zero, information for the next connection starts.)
        ; Below follows a structure that resembles the Exemplar Property structure,
        ; though it is not completely the same. The property ids are apparently unknown
        ; but, I have seen 0x8a0b4100 for example, which is very close to the known
        ; 0x8a0b4103 property, being "FreightReceivingCapacity".
        DWORD Property id
        DWORD Property id repeated (for some reason?)
        DWORD Unknown (0x00000000)
        BYTE  Data Type
        WORD  Key type (0x00 or 0x80)
        BYTE  Unknown

        IF (Key type = 0x00)
            TYPE  Value type depends on data type (0x02 = WORD, 0x03 = DWORD, 0x09 = FLOAT), see exemplar properties
        ELSEIF (Key type = 0x80)
            DWORD  Number of reps to follow
                TYPE Value type depends on data type (0x02 = WORD, 0x03 = DWORD, 0x09 = FLOAT), see exemplar properties

    ENDLOOP (Exemplar count)
ENDLOOP (Network connection count)

DWORD           Unknown count
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown
    5 BYTES 

DWORD   Unknown
FLOAT   Unknown
DWORD   Unknown
FLOAT   Unknown

DWORD   Unknown count
    DWORD   Unknown (Incremental 1-3)
    (following has 5 repeats)
        DWORD       Unknown
        FLOAT       Unknown

DWORD           Unknown count (76 byte sections)
    WORD          Unknown (5)
    FLOAT         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown (set1.5)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1.5)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    WORD          Unknown (2)
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown

DWORD           Unknown count (76 byte sections)
    WORD          Unknown (5)
    FLOAT         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1)
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown (set1.5)
    DWORD         Unknown (set1.5)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set2)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    DWORD         Unknown (set3)
    WORD          Unknown (2)
    DWORD         Unknown
    DWORD         Unknown

DWORD           Item Count (Typically 0 in unused cities, 2 in used (Version 1.10 and up))
    DWORD         Unknown    (Incremental Value)
    DWORD         Set Count  (Only seen in active cities)
        FLOAT       Unknown
        FLOAT       Unknown
        FLOAT       Unknown

Occupant Group List

Max Res Pop
R$ Max Pop
R$ Cur Pop
R$$ Max Pop
R$$ Cur Pop
R$$$ Max Pop
R$$$ Cur Pop
R$ Jobs
R$$ Jobs
R$$$ Jobs
R$ Workforce EQ1
R$ Workforce EQ2
R$ Workforce EQ3
R$ Workforce EQ4
R$$ Workforce EQ1
R$$ Workforce EQ2
R$$ Workforce EQ3
R$$ Workforce EQ4
R$$$ Workforce EQ1
R$$$ Workforce EQ2
R$$$ Workforce EQ3
R$$$ Workforce EQ4
CS$ Max Jobs
CS$ Cur Jobs
CS$$ Max Jobs
CS$$ Cur Jobs
CS$$$ Max Jobs
CS$$$ Cur Jobs
CO$$ Max Jobs
CO$$ Cur Jobs
CO$$$ Max Jobs
CO$$$ Cur Jobs
IA Max Jobs
IA Cur Jobs
ID Max Jobs
ID Cur Jobs
IM Max Jobs
IM Cur Jobs
IH Max Jobs
IH Cur Jobs