Finishing Warehouse

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Lot Stats
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General Information
Creator Author: Maxis
Lot Size 3x2, 3x3
Tileset Outbuilding
Stage Vanilla:
3 (All)
5 (3x3), 7(3x2)
Wealth Level I§§
Occupants (§) 94 (CAM: 344)
Bulldoze Cost §250
Construction 25 days
Flammability 85
Fire Stage 4
Power Cons. 97 MWh
Water Cons. 282 Gallons
Air Pol. 31 over 20 tiles
Water Pol. 22 over 25 tiles
Garbage Pol. 4 over 0 tiles

The Finishing Warehouse is a Dirty Industrial Outbuilding that grows only on High Density Industrial Zones[1].

Outbuildings are grown by SimCity 4's Industrial Zones attached to an Anchor Lot, designed to fill out the entire zone. Outbuildings are grown last and are designed to fill the spaces between Anchor Lots and Machinery lots.

Colossus Addon Mod

When the Colossus Addon Mod is installed, the number of jobs is increased to 344 and its lots are changed to Stages 5 and 7.


  1. Examplar: ID46x32_3DirtyOut10_07FB