Smoke Stacks

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Lot Stats
General Information
Creator Author: Maxis
Lot Size 2x2, 2x3, 3x2
Tileset Anchor
Stage Vanilla:
1 (All)
4 (All)
Wealth Level I§§
Occupants (§) 12 (CAM: 30)
Bulldoze Cost §90
Construction 9 days
Flammability 75
Fire Stage 2
Power Cons. 7 MWh
Water Cons. 12 Gallons
Air Pol. 4 over 13 tiles
Water Pol. 3 over 16 tiles
Garbage Pol. 4 over 0 tiles

The Smoke Stacks is a Dirty Industrial Machinery Building that grows on Medium and High density Industrial Zones[1].

Machinery Buildings are grown by SimCity 4's Industrial Zones attached to an Anchor Lot and are designed to expand the base lot with major machinery installations. Machinery buildings are the second type of Industry building to be grown, preceded by Anchor Lots and followed by Outbuildings.

Colossus Addon Mod

When the Colossus Addon Mod is installed, the default lot stages are increased to Stage 4 and the number of jobs is increased to 30. It is otherwise unchanged.


  1. Examplar: ID20x12_1DirtyMech3_07E8