Jenquai Alchemy

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Lot Stats
General Information
Creator Author: Maxis
Lot Size 3x4, 3x5, 4x3
Tileset Anchor
Stage HT2 (3x4, 4x3)
HT3 (3x5)
Wealth Level I§§§
Occupants (§§) 72
Bulldoze Cost §290
Construction 29 days
Flammability 50
Fire Stage 4
Power Cons. 51 MWh
Water Cons. 51 Gallons
Air Pol. 8 over 7 tiles
Water Pol. 3 over 8 tiles
Garbage Pol. 4 over 0 tiles

Jenquai Alchemy is a High-Tech Industrial Anchor Lot that grows on Medium and High density Industrial Zones[1].

Anchor Lots are the first building grown by SimCity 4's Industrial Zones, designed to provide both a destination and spawn point for the game's traffic simulation. Due to this, they are the only Industrial buildings that require direct Transit Network access. Machinery Lots and Outbuildings are grown adjacent or near to the Anchor lot to expand the Anchor Lot's capabilities, as well as to allow industrial growth away from Transit Networks.


  1. Examplar: IH40x44_3HTAnchor9_0833