Revision as of 04:32, 2 February 2014 by sc4e>Jdenm8
Lot Stats
| |
Landmark |
Lot Size | 4x4 |
Plop Cost | §50,000 |
Monthly Cost | §100 |
Bulldoze Cost | §4,500 |
Landmark Effect | 10 over 24 tiles |
Mayor Rating Effect | 2 point Penalty over 256 tiles |
Fire Stage | 3 |
Flammability | 36 |
Power Consumed | 1 MWh/Month |
Water Consumed | 5 m3/Month |
Air Pollution | 1 over 1 tiles |
Water Pollution | 1 over 1 tiles |
Garbage Pollution | 2 over 0 tiles |
Ploppable Lot | |
General Information | |
Credits | Author: Maxis
Alcatraz is a Landmark Building in SimCity 4.
It provides no services aside from a Landmark Effect. Unlike most other landmarks, Alcatraz carries a Mayor Rating penalty.
It is a recreation of Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay, California, United States, completed in 1912.